ISM 11th International Workshop on Micropiles – October 2012

Invitation to Speakers – Call for Papers

The 11th ISM International Workshop on Micropiles is currently scheduled for October of 2012 in Italy. Papers are solicited on the following micropile topics:

State of Practice
Technical Challenges
Historic Renovation
Load Testing
Numerical Analysis on Micropiles or Micropile Walls
Education and Market Growth / Potential
IBO Bond Values and Challenging Soils
Equipment Evolution
Slope Stabilization and Shoring with Micropiles
Micropile Networks and Reticulation
Lessons Learned

Please submit abstracts to
Submission of an abstract indicates your intent to submit a full paper for consideration by the Program Committee.

Abstracts due February 28, 2012
Acceptance of Abstracts March 15, 2012
Draft papers due June 1, 2012
Reviewer comments returned to authors by July 1, 2012
Final, revised papers due August 31, 2012

For more information, contact:

Mary Ellen C. Bruce, PE, DFI Technical Activities Manager
+1 (724) 942-0813 or

Dr. Tony Marinucci, PE, ADSC Director of Operations
+1 (469) 359-6000 or

ISM Strategic Alliance Finalized

The International Society for Micropiles (ISM) has finalized a strategic alliance agreement with the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) and the International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC). Through this strategic alliance, administration and support functions for the ISM will be assumed by ADSC and DFI with the ISM operating as an entity within the ADSC / DFI Joint Micropile Committee.

This alliance provides the opportunity to members of DFI and ADSC to be recognized as ISM delegates and contribute to ISM’s mission at no additional cost in membership dues. By the same token, current ISM delegates will become members of DFI, ADSC or both in lieu of their ISM membership dues that will provide added access to the extensive technical and networking resources provided by those organizations.

ISM serves delegates in over 24 countries on 6 continents. The ISM’s activites and strategic direction are led by current Chairman, Allen Cadden, PE, D.GE, and an international steering committee comprised of representatives from each founding country including Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the US and the UK. This steering committee will remain in place and will now include a representative from both DFI and ADSC. ISM technical activities will be coordinated by DFI’s Technical Activites Manager, Mary Ellen Bruce, PE, D.GE, and ADSC’s Director of Operations, Dr. Tony Marinucci, PE.

Highlights from the ISM’s newsletter, The Bond Zone, will be reproted in ADSC’s Foundation Drilling Magazine and DFI’s Deep Foundations Magazine. The ISM website,, is being updated to provide information on society and member activities and events, publications, and micropile resources. As the alliance evolves, the website will likely be integrated with the ADSC and DFI websites.

Planning is currently underway, through the joint efforts of ADSC and DFI, for presentation of the 11th International Workshop on Micropiles (IWM) in late 2012, most likely to take place in Milan, Italy. More information on IWM 2012 will be available soon.